Northeast Alabama Bankruptcy Lawyers
Thousands of Trusted Clients Throughout Calhoun, Talladega, Etowah, Marshall, Dekalb, Cleburne, Clay, St. Clair & Cherokee Counties
At Cobb Law Firm, LLC, we make it affordable to regain your peace of mind. We can start your case and represent you against the bill collectors for the lowest price in the county. After all, we know that you may already be having a hard time financially, so adding another bill to your plate will only add to your stress. Because our firm is passionate and genuine about helping our clients, we want to be available to you.
About Bankruptcy in Alabama
Bankruptcy is one method for Americans to legally resolve their financial trouble. The two main types of bankruptcy our firm practices are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Bankruptcy is about having peace of mind and relief now while being able to plan for your financial future. It is about re-establishing credit, keeping the property you have accumulated throughout life, and resolving all your current debt and bad marks on your record so that you will be on good financial footing in the future. Bankruptcy is about a fresh start in life, and everyone deserves a fresh start.
We understand that financial stress is unhealthy and unproductive. If you are sick over finances, filing bankruptcy is a responsible act of love toward yourself and your family. It is our job to stop the creditors from harassing you, protect you from lawsuits and garnishments, and help you back on your feet. It is our job to give you and your family a fresh start in life, and it is a job we take very seriously. Please reach out to us immediately to learn about your legal options. We serve clients in Calhoun, Talladega, Etowah, Marshall, Dekalb, Cleburne, Clay, St. Clair, and Cherokee counties.

Helping You Regain Your Financial Footing
Some might experience anxiety that filing for bankruptcy puts them in the public eye. However, it is an important step toward financial freedom. You should not live in fear of debt collectors, lawsuits, losing your home, or any of the dreaded consequences of financial difficulties. You do not have to deal with the unbearable anxiety of financial stress, and we can help you regain your footing.
Remember that financial problems are temporary. Your health, on the other hand, is permanent. Do not allow yourself to lose your physical, mental, or emotional health over temporary financial problems. Cobb Law Firm, LLC can help you get started on your bankruptcy protection case to put an end to collection harassment. If you think bankruptcy might be able to help you, please call us for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation.

Our Bankruptcy Services
Our bankruptcy services help with a number of debt-related issues, including:
- Personal loans
- Payday loans
- Lawsuits and wage garnishments
- Car loans
- Credit cards
- Medical bills
- Foreclosure
- Bad debt consolidations
If you are interested in filing for bankruptcy in Northeast Alabama, contact us today at (256) 733-6102 to request a free initial consultation.
Helping You Regain Your Financial Footing
Some might experience anxiety that filing for bankruptcy puts them in the public eye. However, it is an important step toward financial freedom. You should not live in fear of debt collectors, lawsuits, losing your home, or any of the dreaded consequences of financial difficulties. You do not have to deal with the unbearable anxiety of financial stress, and we can help you regain your footing.
Remember that financial problems are temporary. Your health, on the other hand, is permanent. Do not allow yourself to lose your physical, mental, or emotional health over temporary financial problems. Cobb Law Firm, LLC can help you get started on your bankruptcy protection case to put an end to collection harassment. If you think bankruptcy might be able to help you, please call us for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation.
Some of the Protections Offered by Bankruptcy Include:
- Protection of Assets: Filing for bankruptcy can protect many of your assets. It also prevents wage garnishments. In most cases, we can help our clients keep their home, vehicle, and their personal belongings.
- Protection from Creditors: Once your bankruptcy is filed, you will receive legal protection in the form of an Automatic Stay. This prevents creditors and debt collectors from making contact with or trying to collect money from you. This stay can stop foreclosure, lawsuits, wage garnishments, vehicle repossession, and utility shut off.
- Discharge of Debt: Completion of the bankruptcy process will eliminate your debt, and discharged debt does not ever have to be repaid.
- Time to Catch Up on Payment: Bankruptcy filers often get some time to catch up on overdue payments, such as mortgages, car payments, or other loans.
- Re-build Your Credit: Bankruptcy clears up and resolves your debt, judgments, delinquencies, foreclosure, and other bad marks on your credit rating to give you a fresh slate to rebuild your credit. It also protects you against creditors who may contact you years later for debts labeled as “write offs” or “charge offs” on your credit report that are still collectible.
- It Works Fast: We can help stop creditor harassment, lawsuits, foreclosures, garnishments, repossessions, and many other problems quickly through bankruptcy.
Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
To keep it simple, Chapter 7 is a liquidating bankruptcy and Chapter 13 is a consolidation bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is one of the most common forms of bankruptcy and involves erasing certain debts you don’t want to keep. Most people don’t realize that you often have the option of keeping a house or vehicle even in a Chapter 7. Some types of debt like recent taxes, child support, and student loans generally aren’t eligible to be discharged. Chapter 7 bankruptcy typically makes sense for debtors who don’t have many assets, are current on payments for items they want to keep, and don’t have high income.
Chapter 13 is a consolidation bankruptcy, which means you consolidate all your debt into one affordable monthly payment. Chapter 13 is ideal for someone who is behind on their mortgage payments or car payments, as it will protect you from creditors while you work to catch up payments. A Chapter 13 requires a payback plan from between 3 and 5 years, and payments can be set up weekly, biweekly, or monthly, depending on what is most convenient for you.
At Cobb Law Firm, LLC we have been helping people regain their financial stability and peace of mind for decades; this is what we do! Bankruptcy is our focus, and you can count on us to help you through tough financial waters. We will handle the legal side of your matter while you take care of you and your family’s mental and emotional wellbeing.
Confident & Understanding Legal Representation Today
At Cobb Law Firm, LLC, our clients will always be treated with the greatest compassion and honesty. We aim to facilitate a comfortable and open office environment led by a team of confident, experienced professionals. We understand the fear, anxiety, depression, and negative emotions that our clients are feeling and how confusing and disheartening the legal process can be. Our attorneys vow to always be there for our clients, to lend a compassionate ear, to comfort them, and to make sure they understand what is happening at all times while we guide them through the legal system.
Call us today at (256) 733-6102 to discuss your finances with our legal team. We serve clients throughout Northeast Alabama.